
...And Flossing is Important Too

I was doing the dishes.  It was the last thing I could see that needed to be done before we leave for Romania tomorrow morning.  My wife was on the floor, stuffing just enough supplies into our bag so as to maximize our luggage allowance and not go over.  She was talking to her mother at the same time (a skill I will never master).  Suddenly, she cries out, "oh, we still have to do our blog!  Uuuuhhhh, we never have time for that blog!"

And that's the funny thing.  Of all the people I know, and most of the people I've ever known, we certainly have the time for this blog.  We don't have jobs, so we should have time for all sorts of things.  But the thing is, I feel just as pressed for time, just as harried, just as tired trying to get my video back to the Red Box as I did before when I had a full time job and all the Red Boxes were a thirty minute drive.  How ridiculous is that? 

What is it about us--and I'm willing to admit that this may be a personal problem and there are only a few others than can sympathize--that makes us feel as if responsibility is such a downer?  Its this feeling that I don't get to make a choice for myself.  I've been pressed into a corner by that stupid Red Box.  If I don't get there by 9pm (and God forbid there's a line!) then I'm out another $1.09.  So I have to go and that's such a burden.  Even when the entire rest of my day is spend doing exactly what I want when I want to.

But here's the flip-side.  And hopefully the part that makes me look a little more mature.  When I actually give into the responsibility, it feels good.  I can't help it, but I actually like saving $1.09.  I like writing this blog.  There's just this little part of me that doesn't like having to make the decision to actually be responsible.

I like to think that little part of me is getting littler.  But then I'm sitting in bed and I realize I forgot to brush my teeth.  UUUHHHHH!

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